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Grafton Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

Thursday, April, 22, 2021

 Virtual, 6:00 pm



1. Call to order:

2. Public comment:

3. Approve minutes of last meeting:

4. Treasurer’s Report:

5. Librarian’s Report:

6.  Old Business:

            Building & Grounds – Carpet update?

                                    Arborist Work update?

                                    New Tree Donation update?

                                    HB servicing update?


7. New Business:

Review & revise COVID status – Services (open hours, curbside, staffing, etc.), Programming (in person vs virtual, outside groups use of bldg. or grounds, etc.), Precautions (cleaning, disinfecting, quarantining materials, masks, distancing, contact tracing, max occupancy?)

            Building & grounds –

Transition from winter grounds services to summer?

                        Porch repair?  Roof for ramp?  Other project needs?


8.  Next Meeting:  May 27, 6:00?

9. Adjournment