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Meeting conducted by Zoom

Present were Michelle Dufort, Sue Allen, Mary Beth Culver, Lucia Corwin, Jay Maciejowski  

Call to order at 6:08 PM

No public comment

Approved minutes of October meeting.

Treasurer’s Report:  We are $2,050 over the budgeted amount for our Annual Appeals letter.  There has not been any change in the withdrawal from our Bond fund.  After a $600 gift from Bill and Suzanne, there is extra in the Lucy Daniel’s Fund.

Librarian’s Report : 

Our expenses for the annual appeal this year were $654.  Our net to date is $11,826 which exceeds our budgeted $9,650.  Deposits, thank you notes, and record-keeping for the 2020 annual appeal is all up to date.

Michelle Chickering has donated the proceeds of her mask making to the Library.  Sue will write a thank you note.

Susan will write a thank you to Rex James for his generous donation of solar credits to the Library.  This ongoing gift should show up in January.

The Winter Nature and Books Discussion Group will begin on January 27th.  Our Spanish class continues with 6 to 7 regular people in attendance.

There are 45 people registered for this Friday’s Holiday Storytelling with Bill Toomey on Zoom.  Lucia will write a thank you letter.

Thanks to Sue and Mary Beth, the financial and narrative reports were submitted to the town for the March Town Report.

Ivor Stevens will continue to shovel for the Library and The Windham Foundation will continue to plow free of charge.

Jay replaced the knob on the storm door and fixed the water pressure in the faucet.

Covid contact tracing is in place and Michelle has permission to make a call as to any Covid related openings or closings.  She will notify the board which can always call a special meeting should it be advisable.

The board gave Michelle permission to purchase two new laptops.


The Board Meeting had to end due to Michelle’s illness so we adjourned at 6:50.