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Grafton Public Library

February 27, 2020


Present:  David Whittall, Deborah Toomey, Michelle Dufort, Patrick Spurlock, Lucia Corwin, Mary Beth Culver, Jay Maciejowski


Called to order 6:32


Public Comments:  Welcome to Jay who is running for Deborah’s seat on the board.  His wife, Ginger, will be starting as a volunteer.  The board also recognized and thanked Deborah for years of service on the board.


January minutes were approved.


Treasurer’s Report:  

·         Patrick reported that budget expenditures are on track.  We will need to do another withdrawal next month. 

·         The stock market has dropped significantly which impacts the TIAA accounts.  At this time we do not anticipate an impact on budgeting but it will need to be monitored.

·         The annual drive has met its goal.  The Paulsons wrote a check that will be tracked as a directed donation but is recorded in FY20 as part of the annual appeal.  The Barber/Bodman family donates for DCF books and are likely to donate toward a building project, such as carpeting.  We may want to consider lowering the appeal goal in the future as tax laws have changed and may be impacting donations. 


Librarian’s Report:

·         Keeping the handicapped ramp and emergency exits clear continues to be a challenge.  It is better than last year, but we are still reliant on volunteers such as Bill Toomey. 

·         The books series with the Nature Museum has gotten off to a great start. It was well attended and well received.  The next book discussion is on March 25 and about the “Hidden Life of Trees”.

·         Census presentation by David Longsmith was cancelled but he is scheduled to be at the library 3/9.

·         Lunch Box Book Club continues to go well.

·         Michelle continues to keep up with necessary reports, public relations, and professional development.

·         The children’s summer program will focus on fairy tales and myths rather than the anniversary of the 19th amendment. It was too difficult to make relevant to elementary students. 

·         Plans are well underway for summer programming that does coincide with the anniversary.   We are discussing plans to collaborate with the Turner Interpretive Center and Voices of Conviction. Bill Watson will do a presentation on Lucy Daniels and may collaborate with Patsy Ellis on a presentation/discussion.  Patsy has been doing a lot of research on local connections.  Michelle is looking into airing a documentary about suffrage as well.  She will approach the Windham Foundation to cover the costs of copying and binding any necessary materials for a town-wide read about the anniversary of the 19th amendment, should we focus more on primary sources materials published in journal form.

·         “The Hookers”, a local knitting group, will be using the building when closed.  Michelle has reviewed the expectations for them regarding building usage.  They will hang a “closed” sign while they are using the building.


Old Business:  The purchase of a new laptop is on hold as our computers were successfully updated and meeting needs. Michelle will consult with Ken’s Computers for advice on purchasing.


New Business:   We may want to consider alternatives such as adding a shed roof over the handicapped ramp to assure reliable access.  The building is historic, so any plans should take that into consideration. 


Meeting adjourned 7:20

Next Meeting:  Thursday, March 26, at 6:00  (Note the new earlier time.)