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Grafton Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Minutes of March 24, 2022




Present:, Mary Beth Culver, Jay Maceijowski, Kathleen Pajcic, John Saroff, and Michelle Dufort


Call to Order:  6:12 pm


Public Comment:  none


Board Reorganization: 

Officers voted by unanimous approval: Chair: Mary Beth Culver, Treasurer: Kathleen Pajcic,  Secretary: Lucia Corwin


Approve minutes of last meeting:  approved


Treasurer’s Report:  Approved.


Librarian’s Report:    

At the librarian’s request the board approved the use of the CDC’s Covid-19 Community Assessment Tool and guidelines for establishing Covid protocol at the library. When the stated level is green/low, masks will be optional. When the level is yellow or red, masks will be required.


Old Business:   

Building Maintenance:

 The board reviewed the Risk Assessment report from VLCT and focused on several identified building issues. John will contact a heat/smoke detection system service to obtain information and schedule a site visit. Jay will contact an electrician to schedule a site visit regarding the repair or replacement of emergency lighting and backlights on the exit sign, as well as installation of another light fixture in the basement.

After discussion of our existing 10 year building maintenance plan and schedule of regular building maintenance it was determined: Michelle will call Efficiency Vermont to schedule an energy audit (up to $500 authorized if there is a fee) to look at weatherization and heating/cooling needs for the building—with a focus on green alternatives such as heat pumps. Michelle will add a few items to Jay’s 10 year building plan: heating/cooling systems, roof, wood floors, and mitigation of snowfall from roof onto ramp and fire escape.  Michelle will also add a couple of items to the regular maintenance schedule involving testing of lights and exit signs and battery replacement in smoke detectors.


New Business: 

Trustees and library director are asked to complete the library director performance evaluation and submit it via email to Mary Beth by Wednesday, April 20.  An attachment of the performance evaluation was sent previously to each board member.


Next Meeting:  April 28, 2022 at 6:00 pm


Adjournment:   7:30 pm.