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Grafton Public Library Trustees Meeting Minutes

October 16, 2014


Attending:  Bob Donald, Lucia Corwin, Christopher Schemm, Michelle Dufort, Deborah Toomey

Bob Donald brought the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

Public comment from a Grafton Inn guest who borrowed materials from the library during their visit, returned them and expressed their appreciation to the library was read.

The minutes from the September 18th meeting were approved provided the date is changed from Sept. 16 to the correct one, Sept. 18.  Minutes were approved.

Librarian’s Report

Fund Status

1.       The library has received a check from Jim Paulson for $2,000 for children’s programming in the coming year. The board expressed their gratitude for the continued support from the Paulson’s.

2.       Jerry Stevens and Bill Watson had talked about establishing the Lucy Daniels Memorial Fund which was not to be a directed fund, but could be used for new technology. The Hayes Family Fund is a directed fund for e-books.  Michelle talked to Bill about the Daniels Fund and Bill indicated his willingness to have the money used for any library need since the Hayes fund was presently meeting our technology needs.

3.       The Jean Whitnack fund is a restricted and directed fund that has $500 to be spent this fiscal year. Tanya Morgan Evans who established this fund, has indicated a willingness to discuss other possible uses for this. Michelle will talk with her.


Bob handed out the proposed budget from August which has been reviewed and recommended that the Hayes Fund will be added. He will have it finished and completed for approval at the next board meeting.

No major adjustments need to be made at this time.

The endowment report was distributed and a copy will be attached to the minutes.


The automation of the library’s collection is almost complete and the technology specialist component of the Windham Foundation Grant has been fully used. The individual performing this task has expressed a willingness to continue on as a volunteer. This was discussed in depth by the board.

Building and Grounds

The repair to the handicapped entrance door is in progress. Unfortunately, the local contractor who is working on it has had some family health issues that have delayed completion of the work, but has assured the librarian that it will be completed soon.

The screens need to be changed out and the gutter over the handicapped entrance needs to be cleaned of leaves. Bob indicated that he will take care of the screens, and Deborah volunteered her husband to clean the gutters as soon as all the leaves are down.

Other Business

Bob Donald met with Rachel Williams, the town administrator, and was impressed with her openness and willingness to work with the library board. She is willing to have the town handle the payroll for library employees. The town health care is open to the library board to use for employees and discussion centered on which plan to use, whether the town plan, which was the platinum plan was required and whether the library board was required to follow the same payment options that the town provides other town employees: the town pays 95% and the employee pays 5%.  This amount would consume the entire disbursement from the Jerald L. Stevens Fund. The librarian suggested that the Library Board provide a less costly plan. No decision was made until requirements were clarified with Ms. Williams and the Board then made aware of the possibilities.

Christopher mentioned that the library personnel policies must be amended when the health care decision is finalized.

The annual donation letter was reviewed. Board members recommended that it be made to fit on one page. Deborah expressed concern regarding the Jerald L. Stevens Memorial Fund and that without an explanation, donations might be effected. A regular visitor to Grafton has offered to assist the board with the fundraising letter and while no vote was taken, the Board expressed approval of contacting this individual and requesting assistance. Deborah indicated that she would do so.

Michelle presented a proposal to hire an assistant in the library. This position was previously eliminated, but with many of the library volunteers unable to work as scheduled due to health issues, an assistant would be very much appreciated. The Board was open to the possibility, but funding will need to be available to achieve it. Depending upon how much of the Stevens Memorial is used for providing health care, funds may be available to do so. However, no firm decision was made.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Toomey,